What is an Exsiccate?

What it is
Historically this term was used for a set of species of dried plants or fungi which were send to a restricted number of specialists, normally not more than 100, for exchange and investigation. A classical example are the Fungi Exsiccati Suecici by Lundell & Nannfeld. An exiccate which is still under distribution is the Ustilaginales Exsiccati by Kalman Vanky. The distributed specimens are published in a journal in Fascicles containing a fixed number of species.

How it looks
In the case of fungi dried vouchers are glued to cardboards and/or are encapsulated in paper with a lable indicating species, author, location etc.

The modern style
An example still using the classical concept can be seen at the Botanische Staatssammlung in Munich. Their Microfungi Exsiccati(internet-link: "http://www.botanik.biologie.uni-muenchen.de/botsamml/arnoldia/microfu.html") are devoted to non-lichenized fungi. The Lichen exsiccati for exchange(internet-link: "http://muse.bio.cornell.edu/archive/gophtax.1994/0154.html") at the Michigan State University Herbarium is another example on how to connect classical exsiccates with modern technology.

What is new with the Digital Exsiccate of Fungi?
Specimens are no more distributed. What you, and everyone, can get is a complete set of data on a certain species including detailed illustrations of the micromorphology. If you need to compare your collected material for determination you do not have to borrow herbarium specimens. You just click on the right link and you will get all information you need.

How complete is the Digital Exsiccate of Fungi?
At the moment it contains the data of a monograph on Hyphodontia (Basidiomycetes, Corticiaceae) and allied genera plus several other genera. Botryobasidium (Basidiomycetes, Corticiaceae) and allied genera will be added during the spring/summer 1996.

Ewald Langer
ewald.langer@uni-tuebingen.de - 08. March 1996

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Microfungi Exsiccati(http://www.botanik.biologie.uni-muenchen.de/botsamml/arnoldia/microfu.html)

Lichen exsiccati for exchange(http://muse.bio.cornell.edu/archive/gophtax.1994/0154.html)